
Freitag, 8. August 2014

US-Railroads - Historical Society Magazine

Alle hier vorgestellten Magazine werden bei White River Productions produziert. Für den Modellbahner oder Eisenbahnfan, der mehr über seine Bahn lesen möchte, als z.B. in TRAINS zu lesen ist, ist ein entsprechendes Abo zu empfehlen. Bei einigen Publikationen kann man sich Probeausgaben bzw. Artikel herunterladen. Ebenso bieten einige dieser Societies spezielle Magazine für den Modellbahner an: SCL, Pennsy, B&O, NYC usw.. Auch dort lohnt ein Blick. Einige dieser Ausgaben habe ich hier im Blog bereits vorgestellt.

ACL, SAL, SCL - Lines South
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical, Quarterly, 32 pages, All-Color
Covering Atlantic Coast Line, Seaboard Air Line, Seaboard Coast Line, and predecessors and successors

Produced for the Atlantic Coast Line - Seaboard Air Line Historical Society
Visit their site:

C&EI - The Flyer
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical, Bi-Annual, 32 pages, All-Color
Covering the Chicago & Eastern Illinois

Produced for the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Historical Society
Visit their site:

CMStP&P - The Milwaukee Railroader
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical, Quarterly, 48 pages, All-Color
Covering Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific (the Milwaukee Road)

Produced for the Milwaukee Road Historical Association
Visit their site:

C&NW, CGW, M&StL - North Western Lines
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical, Quarterly, 64 to 80 pages, All-Color
Covering Chicago & North Western, Chicago Great Western, Minneapolis & St. Louis, Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern, Des Moines & Central Iowa, and Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha, and successors

Produced for the Chicago & North Western Historical Society
Visit their site:

CNJ, DL&W, LV, RDG, L&NE, L&HR - Flags, Diamonds & Statues
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical, Quarterly, 32 pages, All-Color
Covering Central Railroad of New Jersey, Delaware Lackawanna & Western Railroad, Lehigh Valley Railroad, Reading Company, Lehigh and New England, Lehigh and Hudson River Railroad and successors

Produced for the Anthracite Railroad Historical Society
Visit their site:

Conrail - Conrail Quarterly
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical, Quarterly, 32 pages, All-Color
Covering Conrail

Produced for The CONRAIL Historical Society
Visit their site:

CRI&P - The Rocket
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical, Quarterly, 32 pages, All-Color
Covering Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad

Produced for the Rock Island Technical Society
Visit their site:

DM&IR - The Ore Extra
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical, Quarterly, 32 pages, All-Color
Covering Duluth & Iron Range, Duluth, Missabe & Northern, Duluth Missabe & Iron Range, and other Iron Range roads including Erie Mining, Reserve Mining and successors

Produced for the Missabe Railroad Historical Society
Visit their site:

DRGW - The Prospector
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical, Quarterly, 32 pages, All-Color
Covering Denver & Rio Grande Western

Produced for the Rio Grande Modeling & Historical Society
Visit their site:

Erie RR, DL&W, EL - The Diamond
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical, Quarterly, 32 pages, All-Color
Covering Erie Railroad, Delaware, Lackawanna & Western, and Erie Lackawanna

Produced for the Erie Lackawanna Historical Society
Visit their site:


GM&O - The GM&OHS News
11 X 8 1/2 Horizontal, Quarterly, 32 pages, All-Color
Covering Gulf, Mobile & Ohio

Produced for the Gulf Mobile & Ohio Historical Society
Visit their site:

IC - The Mid-American
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical, Quarterly, 32 pages, All-Color
Covering Illinois Central, Illinois Central Gulf, predecessors and successors including Paducah & Louisville, Indiana Rail Road, etc.

Produced for the Illinois Central Railroad Heritage Association
Visit their site:

IT - The Flyer
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical, Semi-Annually, 32 pages, All-Color
Covering Illinois Terminal

Produced for the Illinois Traction Society
Visit their site:

L&N - L&N Magazine
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical, Quarterly, 32 pages, All-Color
Covering Louisville & Nashville and North Carolina & St. Louis

Produced for the Louisville & Nashville Historical Society
Visit their site:

MP - The Eagle
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical, Quarterly, 32 pages, All-Color
Covering Missouri Pacific

Produced for the Missouri Pacific Historical Society
Visit their site:

National Model Railroad Association - NMRA Magazine
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical, Monthly, 64 to 80 pages, All-Color
Modeling content of all scales for all ages

Produced for the National Model Railroad Association
Visit their site:

National Railway Historical Society - The Bulletin
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical, Quarterly, 44 pages, All-Color
Railroads of all varieties in North America and abroad

Produced for the National Railway Historical Society
Visit their site:

NKP - Nickel Plate Road Magazine
8 1/2 X11 Vertical, Quarterly, 32 pages, All-Color
Covering Nickel Plate Road

Produced for the Nickel Plate Road Historical & Technical Society
Visit their site:

N&W, VGN - The Arrow
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical Quarterly, 32 to 48 pages, All-Color
Covering Norfolk & Western and Virginian

Produced for the Norfolk & Western Historical Society
Visit their site:
OPSIG - The Dispatcher's Office
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical Quarterly, 40 pages, All-Color
Covering model railroad operations

Produced for the Operations Special Interest Group
Visit their site:

PC - The Post
8 1/2 X 11 Vertical Quarterly, 32 pages, All-Color
Covering the Penn Central Railroad

Produced for the Penn Central Railroad Historical Society
Visit their site:

8 1/2 X 11 Vertical Quarterly, 32 pages, All-Color
Covering the Southern Railway

Produced for the Southern Railway Historical Association
Visit their site: